El uso de las calculadoras en el aula


El uso de las calculadoras en el aula Es este un tema controvertido, que creo que no deja a nadie de la comunidad educativa, indiferente ante él. Evidentemente, como ante todas las cuestiones que se suelen plantear, existirán sus defensores y como no, sus detractores. Vivimos en una sociedad envuelta por el desarrollo tecnológico, y … Leer más

Pasapalabra de Ciencias Naturales


Pasapalabra de Ciencias Naturales Está claro que las personas adquieren mejor las habilidades y los conocimientos que necesitan cuando están interesados ​en aprender, lo cierto es que esta máxima no siempre se produce. Por ello los métodos de aprendizaje y enseñanza tienen tanta importancia para conseguir que el alumno realmente aprenda. La mayor parte de nosotros … Leer más

El uso de Google Earth, Google Maps y Google Street View en clases de Geografía e Historia en Secundaria

Google drive

El uso de Google Earth, Google Maps y Google Street View en clases de Geografía e Historia en Secundaria La enseñanza de la Geografía y la Historia puede ser tan tediosa o tan atractiva como nosotros los docentes queramos que sea. Para los estudiantes de secundaria, la cantidad de datos nuevos a que deben enfrentarse … Leer más

10 Actividades de enriquecimiento curricular para Primaria

Enriquecimiento curricular

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Degustación de crêpes en clase de francés

La Revolución Francesa: mapas conceptuales

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears – A play / Obra de Teatro de ricitos de oros y los 3 ositos [Vídeo]


Goldilocks and the Three Bears – A play / Obra de Teatro de ricitos de oros y los 3 ositos

The Play

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Goldilocks. She had golden hair.

One day Goldilocks was walking in the forest. She saw a house and knocked on the door.

Goldilocks enters. She walks through the forest singing. She sees a house.

Goldilocks: Oh, what a sweet little house!
(She knocks on the door.)She went inside.

Goldilocks: Who’s there?

Narrator: (Nobody answers. She opens the door and goes in There were three bowls of porridge on a table.)She was hungry!

Goldilocks: I’m hungry! What’s this?
(Goldilocks tastes the first bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Ugh! This is too hot!
(Goldilocks tastes the second bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Ugh! This is too cold!
(Goldilocks tastes the third bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Mmmmm! This is just right!

Narrator :(Goldilocks eats all the porridge. Goldilocks yawns. She’s tired. There are three chairs around the table. She sits in one of the chairs.)

Goldilocks: This chair is too big!
(She sits in the second chair.)

Goldilocks: This chair is too big!
(She sits in the third chair.)

Goldilocks: This chair is just right!
Narrator: (The chair breaks! Goldilocks goes to the bedroom. There are three beds. She lies on one of the beds.)

Goldilocks: This bed is too hard!
(She lies on the second bed.)

Goldilocks: This bed is too soft!
(She lies on the third bed.)

Goldilocks: This bed is just right!

Narrator: (Goldilocks goes to sleep.)
The three bears come in the house. They see the bowls and look at them.)

Daddy Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge!

Mummy Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge and it’s all gone!

Narrator: (The three bears see the chairs.)

Daddy Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair!

Mummy Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair – and it’s broken!

Narrator: (The three bears go into the bedroom and see the beds.)

Daddy Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!

Mummy Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed – and she’s still there!

Narrator: (Goldilocks woke up, and saw the Three bears)
Goldilocks: Help!
(Goldilocks runs out of the house.)

Daddy Bear )
Mummy Bear ) What a horrible girl!
Baby Bear )
Narrator: And she never came back again.

Mª Dolores
Colegio de La Presentación Guadix