Teen horoscopes

Astronomical Clock, Prague

Astronomical Clock, Prague

Teen horoscopes

Aunque muchas personas piensen que el horóscopo se limita a los signos del zodiaco, la realidad es que se trata de mucho más. Es una rama de la astrología muy potente mediante la que es posible descubrir muchas cosas sobre una persona sabiendo su fecha y lugar de nacimiento. El arte de interpretar el horóscopo de una persona tiene varios milenios de antigüedad.

Los alumnos de la ESO prepararon el curso pasado su propio horóscopo semanal trabajando destrezas como Writing o Reading, además de aspectos gramaticales y de vocabulario. Éste fue el gran resultado obtenido:

Grupos de trabajo – Teen Horoscopes
Alumnos 3ºESO trabajando su propio horóscopo en inglés

   Aries March 21 – April 19
This week your patience might be tested by some of your partners. As much as you might get angry, you need to take a philosophical view on things. This pause was caused by a reason — possibly to give you time to check the work you’ve done. Put your energy toward that instead of toward getting mad at someone else.

   Taurus April 20 – May 20

Your intense energy makes you a great candidate for a leadership position right now, so if you are ready to get more power, do it today! You have a way of motivating people. You are great at helping them see past their individual goals and enabling them to focus all of their energy on what will benefit the greater population. This is a skill you need to practice.

   Gemini May 21 – June 21
If you aren’t sure if you are ready to commit to a party, a date, a new job, or anything else that will waste your time, then don’t say that you will commit just because you are afraid to hurt someone’s feelings. The worst thing you can do is make a promise that you can’t deliver on. It could brand you as an unreliable person, which you most definitely are not. So try to be honest. In the end, people will appreciate honesty more than your money.

   Cancer June 22 – July 22
Too many different elements in your life right now — and it’s your family that may fall to the bottom. So this week, relax and calm down. Make plans with your family or your family of friends to do something — anything. You don’t have to plan a great dinner party or other elaborate event. Even just watching tv together will bring you back into each other’s lives in the way that you need to be.

   Leo July 23 – August 22
This week you are working with complicated situations. You may find yourself wishing things were simpler and easier to figure out! But there is no black and white — no right or wrong. Everyone — and everything– is much more complicated than that. So take the time to really dig into the issues and see things not just from ‘both’ sides, but from all sides. It will put you in a much more powerful position.

   Virgo August 23 – September 22
You’ll get along best with people who appeal to your more analytical side, today. Surprisingly, all of your friends will get little if any sympathy from you. You’re hungry for facts and figures that clarify things, not feelings that make them warm. You want to know what is really going on so that you can make an objective evaluation. You’re willing to see the other side of the argument, but you’re not going to give people points for strange stories.

   Libra September 23 – October 22
Pick a cultural event that’s coming up and get some tickets for it today. It’s time to inject your life with a little dosage of high art — an opera, touring musical, play, art opening, ballet, or modern dance performance would fit the bill nicely. Bring one of your more adventurous friends with you and make a whole arty night out of it. Even if you don’t love every minute of the experience, the dedication to pure creativity will inspire you greatly.

   Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Someone will challenge a belief that you’ve held for a very long time today — and they will say an awful lot of things that make sense. Your first instinct will be to defend your position as you have in the past, and discount their opinion if they don’t eventually come around to agreeing with you. But today you should try to be open to what they are saying. Some of it will resonate with you in a profound way. Believe it or not, you could be wrong — it does happen every once in a blue moon!

   Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Someone in your life needs to take on more responsibility — and you need to tell them to. You’ve been getting a little tired of being the boss of a certain project or task, and this inequity needs to end today. So how do you communicate this to them? Face to face. Make sure they understand what you are telling them, and be available for questions. If you send an email or a text message, they will undoubtedly take things the wrong way and get defensive.

   Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Breaking the rules is not always a bad thing — especially if the rules limit your creativity. Today, you shouldn’t do what you are told. You should do what you want to do. Let any inspiration that comes your way guide you, and take you on a little adventure. It’s time to let your brain lose on the world. Take it out of its 9-to-5 box and show it something that is has never seen before. It’s the perfect day to view some modern art or a foreign film.

   Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Have you been feeling a bit bored with your life lately? Well, good news! Today offers you a great opportunity to get your adrenaline going again! Sure, it might require you to take a risk or two, but isn’t that the only way you can win sometimes? Insert yourself into an uncertain situation where you could be and just see what happens. You will be better for it.

   Pisces February 19 – March 20
Communication is very important this week    — written, spoken, and even non-verbal body language will all convey potent meanings. The people you’ll be dealing with right now are tuned into you very closely — even strangers will almost be able to finish your sentences. This means that you are probably going to be able to get an awful fact done in very little time, today. If you have been waiting for feedback from someone, call them today. They’ll have an answer.

Vicente Plá Rodríguez.
Secundaria y Bachillerato. Colegio de Linares.

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