Goldilocks and the Three Bears – A play / Obra de Teatro de ricitos de oros y los 3 ositos [Vídeo]


Goldilocks and the Three Bears – A play / Obra de Teatro de ricitos de oros y los 3 ositos

The Play

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Goldilocks. She had golden hair.

One day Goldilocks was walking in the forest. She saw a house and knocked on the door.

Goldilocks enters. She walks through the forest singing. She sees a house.

Goldilocks: Oh, what a sweet little house!
(She knocks on the door.)She went inside.

Goldilocks: Who’s there?

Narrator: (Nobody answers. She opens the door and goes in There were three bowls of porridge on a table.)She was hungry!

Goldilocks: I’m hungry! What’s this?
(Goldilocks tastes the first bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Ugh! This is too hot!
(Goldilocks tastes the second bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Ugh! This is too cold!
(Goldilocks tastes the third bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Mmmmm! This is just right!

Narrator :(Goldilocks eats all the porridge. Goldilocks yawns. She’s tired. There are three chairs around the table. She sits in one of the chairs.)

Goldilocks: This chair is too big!
(She sits in the second chair.)

Goldilocks: This chair is too big!
(She sits in the third chair.)

Goldilocks: This chair is just right!
Narrator: (The chair breaks! Goldilocks goes to the bedroom. There are three beds. She lies on one of the beds.)

Goldilocks: This bed is too hard!
(She lies on the second bed.)

Goldilocks: This bed is too soft!
(She lies on the third bed.)

Goldilocks: This bed is just right!

Narrator: (Goldilocks goes to sleep.)
The three bears come in the house. They see the bowls and look at them.)

Daddy Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge!

Mummy Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge and it’s all gone!

Narrator: (The three bears see the chairs.)

Daddy Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair!

Mummy Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair – and it’s broken!

Narrator: (The three bears go into the bedroom and see the beds.)

Daddy Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!

Mummy Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed – and she’s still there!

Narrator: (Goldilocks woke up, and saw the Three bears)
Goldilocks: Help!
(Goldilocks runs out of the house.)

Daddy Bear )
Mummy Bear ) What a horrible girl!
Baby Bear )
Narrator: And she never came back again.

Mª Dolores
Colegio de La Presentación Guadix

Cervantes y Shakespeare en «La Presentación»

TeatroCervantes y Shakespeare en «La Presentación»
Miguel de Cervantes y William Shakespeare en el Colegio La Presentación de Málaga

Como forma de potenciar el bilingüismo en el centro escolar y despertar la parte artística de los alumnos de nuestro colegio, vimos interesante la posibilidad de realizar una pequeña escena teatral con personajes conocidos de la literatura, diálogos que tocan temas cercanos a los alumnos y un acompañamiento musical.
El pasado mes de abril con motivo del día del libro, los alumnos de ESO dieron la bienvenida a Miguel de Cervantes y William Shakespeare. Estos dos grandes escritores de la literatura universal visitaron el Colegio de la Presentación en Málaga. ¿Queréis saber qué hicieron aquí?
Por favor, ved este video y disfrutad de la escena.